Pluralisme Budaya (Metode Dan Kajian Teks Al-Qur’an Tentang Multikultural)

Ahmad Khumaidi



Indonesian society is known as a pluralistic society. This can be seen in the social reality and the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Eka (different but one). Indonesia's pluralism is also supported by the status of this country as a developing country, which always undergoes very rapid changes in various aspects of life, both changes in the economic system, social politics, and so on, and in reality there is not a single symptom of social change that does not have an impact on culture. local.

Cultural Pluralism is a term used when small groups within a larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, whose values ​​and practices are accepted by the dominant culture, provided that they are in line with the laws and values ​​of the wider society. As a sociological term, definitions and descriptions of cultural pluralism have evolved over time. This has been described not only as a fact but as a societal goal.

The results of human creation, such as philosophy and science, both in the form of pure theories and those that have been compiled to be practiced in people's lives (pure sciences and applied sciences). The results of human feelings, in the form of values ​​and various social norms that need to be created to regulate social problems in a broad sense, include religion (religion, not revelation), ideology, mysticism, and all elements that are the result of the expression of the human soul as a person. community members. In religious language. This plurality or diversity, whether religion or culture, is the circumcision of al-Allah (the certainty of God's law) which is eternal (perennial).


Keywords: Cultural Pluralism, Methods and Studies, Multicultural


Ahmad Khumaidi (Primary Contact)
Ahmad Khumaidi. (2021). Pluralisme Budaya (Metode Dan Kajian Teks Al-Qur’an Tentang Multikultural). BAHTSUNA: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 3(1), 15–32.
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