Kepemimpinan kiai dalam usaha mengembangkan pendidikan islam di TPQ Al-Aziziyah Krejengan Probolinggo

Abdul Hamid


Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) is a phenomenon that develops in the world of social society, as a form of education park for early childhood. The phenomenon appears as an offer of alternative solutions to the kyai's leadership in TPQ and as one of the important factors in achieving the goal of overcoming children's difficulties, especially in learning the Qur'an. This research discusses the leadership of the kyai in an effort to develop Islamic education at TPQ Al-Aziziyah Krejengan with research objectives 1) Describing the type of leadership of the kyai at TPQ Al-Aziziyah Krejengan. 2) Identifying the kyai's efforts in developing Islamic education at TPQ Al-Aziziyah Krejengan. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data collection procedure uses observation, interview and documentation techniques which are analyzed descriptively through an editing process. From the results of this study, the type of leadership is charismatic (kyai's authority), authoritarian (punishment for students) and democratic (cooperation with program supporters), it can be seen in the programs in TPQ. Meanwhile, the kyai's effort in developing Islamic education at TPQ Al-Aziziyah Krejengan is to maximize the program to increase santri competence and improve the quality and quantity of worship. Both programs are directly under the direction of the TPQ leader as the person in charge who is the translator of the TPQ's vision and mission.


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Abdul Hamid (Primary Contact)
Hamid, A. (2023). Kepemimpinan kiai dalam usaha mengembangkan pendidikan islam di TPQ Al-Aziziyah Krejengan Probolinggo. BAHTSUNA: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 5(2), 167–171. Retrieved from
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