Membudayakan Literasi Anak Melalui Pendirian Ruang Baca Nusantara Desa Sukorejo Kecamatan Kotanyaar Kab. Probolinggo

Halimatun Nabila


This pandemic period has resulted in education being less effective because every school is not allowed to carry out face-to-face learning, so students or college students must study online, from early childhood education to higher education. Therefore, the UNZAH PKM KKN group took the initiative to establish a reading room to reduce the use of gadgets and make children accustomed to reading books and reduce the use of gadgets and the misuse of social media.


Hikam, A. I., & Banowati, K. (2023). Nilai Sosial Pada Novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta 1 Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy Menggunakan Pendekatan Sosiologi Sastra. ASMARALOKA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Linguistik dan Sastra Indonesia, 1(1), 26-35.


Halimatun Nabila (Primary Contact)

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