Strategi peningkatan aktivitas belajar dan hasil belajar qur’an hadits melalui pembelajaran interpretatif berbasis ICT

Ahmad Khumaidi, M. Rifki Zidan


This study aims to: (1) Increase student learning activities with jigsaw learning in Qur'an Hadith learning for class IX MTs Zainul Irsyad students (2) Improve Qur'an Hadith learning outcomes on the material of mad lazim mukhaffaf kilmi, mad lazim mutsaqqal kilmi, mad lazim mukhaffaf harfi and mad lazim mutsaqqal harfi through ICT-based interpretive learning for class IX MTs Zainul Irsyad students. To assist students in improving learning outcomes, so that learning objectives can be achieved, media tools are needed, one of which is the use of ICT-based interpretive media in learning. The research subjects were ninth grade students of MTs Zainul Irsyad probolinggo in the 2022/2023 academic year totaling 17 students. The research procedure includes 3 stages, namely: preparation stage (designing learning), implementation stage (Pre-test, Cycle I, and Cycle II) and report preparation stage. Implementation of Cycle I and II, including: planning, implementation of actions (teacher and student activities), observation and reflection. Student learning completeness (who got KKM scores and above or who obtained 77 and above, from 9 students (47.62%) before the action, to 13 students (66.67%) after Cycle I and increased to 15 students or (85.71%) after Cycle II. Student interaction in group discussions also increased with the best category in Cycle I as much as 11.1% in Cycle II increased to 55.6%, the good category in Cycle I as much as 22.2% in Cycle II increased to 33.3%, the good enough category in Cycle I as much as 44.5% in Cycle II reduced to 11.1%, and in Cycle I for the less good category as much as 22.2% in Cycle II none (0%). Based on the results of the analysis of student activity in the group as well as student learning outcomes in the provision of action using ICT-based interpretive learning obtained an increase in both student activity in the group and student learning outcomes, so it can be concluded that ICT-based interpretive learning is able to improve the activities and learning outcomes of MTs Zainul Irsyad probolinggo students.


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Ahmad Khumaidi (Primary Contact)
M. Rifki Zidan
Khumaidi, A., & Rifki Zidan, M. . (2024). Strategi peningkatan aktivitas belajar dan hasil belajar qur’an hadits melalui pembelajaran interpretatif berbasis ICT. BAHTSUNA: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 6(1), 46–54.
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