Profesionalisme guru sebagai pendidik sejati perspektif hadits

Kustiana Arisanti, Siti Nuraisyah


The purpose of education is not only to develop students' knowledge, but also to develop children's personality and emotional potential. Professionalism is an increase in the qualifications or abilities of members of a particular profession to achieve the desired ideal standard criteria. The teacher is a spiritual parent for his students, because he is the one who feeds their souls with knowledge, education and morals. There are several characteristics of professional teachers, according to the hadith perspective, including being devoted to Allah, having good morals, respecting others, being patient and calm, being open and authoritative, and most importantly having abilities according to their fields. This research uses qualitative research type of literature study. Primary data used in this study are data related to and discussing professionalism both obtained from books, books, articles and hadiths.


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Kustiana Arisanti (Primary Contact)
Siti Nuraisyah
Arisanti, K., & Nuraisyah , S. . (2024). Profesionalisme guru sebagai pendidik sejati perspektif hadits. BAHTSUNA: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 6(1), 55–62.
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