About the Journal
As-Sakinah Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam is a peer-reviewed professional journal with a board of editors consisting of experts in the fields of Marriage Age Limit, Impact of Marriage, Fiqh Mawaris, Fikih Munakahat. This journal is published twice a year, namely in February and August by Zainul Hasan Islamic University Genggong, ISSN (Print) 3025-1400 E-ISSN (Online): 3025-1914. This journal is in collaboration with. As-Sakinah aims to be a venue for academic discussion on the development of Islamic Family Law and gender issues. It is intended to contribute to the old (classical) debates and ongoing developments of Islamic Family Law and gender issues regardless of time, region, and media in both theoretical and empirical studies. As-Sakinah always places Islamic Family Law and Gender issues as the focus and scope of academic inquiry. Reviewers will review each submitted paper. The review process uses double-blind review, which means that the identities of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential from the reviewers, and vice versa.