KHIDMAH, is a proper channel for publication of papers in Society Development and Engagement. Manuscripts reporting experimentation or research in field crops will be accepted for review as papers.
An acceptable manuscript will meet the following general criteria: it reports a worthwhile contribution to science, sound methodology was used and is explained with sufficient detail so that other capable scientists could repeat the experiments. Conclusions are supported by data, manuscripts is concise, well written, and understandable.
The author must download and follow the instruction below :
Manuscripts should be uploaded to the KHIDMAH system and organized in a standard format, Title, Author, Address and Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments and References. Typed on one side of A4 size white paper, in one column, 1.15 spacing, Times New Roman font size 11 according to the latest KHIDMAH journal template.
Title (Font: Uppercase Every Word, Times new roman, Size 16)
(The title should reflect the issues and focus of the service, the subject of the service, the actions and strategies, and the expected social change goals)
Author Name1 (Times new roman, size 11)
1Affiliation/Institution, Country (Times new roman, size 10)
Abstract: contains the issue and focus of the service, the subject of the service, the purpose of the service, the method/approach/strategy of the service research, and the results of the service (maximum 250 words). If the article is not in English, it is mandatory to include an English and Indonesian abstract.
(Times new roman, font size 10, italicized if in English)
Keywords 3-6 words
Introduction (Times new roman, font size 11)
Contains a description of the situation analysis or objective conditions of the community service subject (assisted community), problems and focus of community service, reasons for choosing community service subjects, and expected social changes or community service goals supported by qualitative and quantitative data, and supported by a review of relevant literature. References must use the American Psychological Association 7th edition.
Methods (Times New Roman, size 11)
Contains a description of the process of planning action with the community (community organizing). Describe the subject, place and location of the service, the involvement of the assisted subjects in the community planning and organizing process, and the research methods or strategies used in achieving the expected goals and stages of service activities. The planning process and strategies/methods are explained through flow charts or diagrams.
Results and Discussion (Times New Roman, size 11)
This section contains a description of the results of the community service process, namely an explanation of the dynamics of the mentoring process (various activities carried out, forms of technical action or programs to solve community problems). It also explains the emergence of expected social changes, such as the emergence of new institutions, changes in behavior, the emergence of local leaders, the creation of new awareness towards social transformation, and so on. Contains discussions resulting from the description of community service and discussion of theories relevant to the findings of community service. This section also discusses the theoretical findings of the community service process from the beginning until social change occurs. The discussion is supported by references and theoretical perspectives provided by the relevant literature review. The references used must use the American Psychological Association 7th edition.
Conclusion (Times New Roman, size 11)
This section contains a description of the conclusions of the results of community service in the form of theoretical reflections and recommendations.
References (Times New Roman, size 11)
(Writing references must follow the rules of Turabian Style. (Times New Roman, size 11, before 12 pt; after 12 pt; line spacing: 1.0)